Rev. 3625 - Major release New versions and changelogs

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Rev. 3625 - Major release

by Roman » Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:30 pm

I would like to highlight these important new features:

- Multileg integrated in the whole system.
- New autocomplete with enhanced search and tree structure.
- Futures charts with COT data and COT index.
- Fwcurve pattern, history analysis, volume and open interest curves
- Optimize with Win% and P/L Heatmaps.

Check our article Major changes in new version which explains main differences between the old and new version.

Check changelog for all changes and appropriate help page for new features explanation and usage.

Don't forget to clear browser cache!

Code: Select all
 Multileg integrated in the whole system.
 New autocomplete with enhanced search and tree structure.
 New URL structure - URL of any page can be now directly used for copy&paste. Special builder link for spread copy&paste removed.
 Profile settings - Electronic/Pit symbols preference. issue 296
 Builder - Shortened spread definitions. issue 112
 Builder - Ratio spreads. issue 392
 Table filters - Blank spaces in the beginning or the end of filter are removed.
 New multichoice selectbox with search.
 New data - Ethanol AC/EH, Palladium PA, Sugar White SW, New Zealand Dollar NE/6N, Robusta Coffee RC. issue 378 issue 427 issue 422
 Futures - COT data and COT index. issue 298
 Futures - Open Interest. issue 342
 Builder - Quicksave removed.
 Stacked - Seasonal pattern calculated from selected years. issue 437
 Seasonal - Spread/Patterns correlation now takes maximum lenght for each pattern (previously shortest pattern lenght was used for all patterns).
 Fwcurve - Forward curve pattern.
 Fwcurve - Volume and Open Interest curves. issue 430
 Fwcurve - Forward curve statistical analysis. issue 391
 Quotes - New quotes grid table.
 Optimize - Win% and P/L Heatmaps.
 Search - FwCurve column - 6 months Forward curve slope to estimate contango or backwardation. issue 356
 Search - Delta column - The longest difference between long and short leg. issue 110
 Search - CVolume column - Current volume of the least liquid leg. issue 326
 Search - S/R column - Support/Resistance indicator.
 Search - S/RDist% column - Support/Resistance distance indicator.
 Search - SPCorr% column - Spread/Pattern correlation.
 Recommended - Templates.
 Search & Scanner - Form reset button.
 Uniqueness of spread with seasonal window in portfolio removed. Same spread with same seasonal window can be saved multiple times in portfolio.
 Summary - New drilldown icon showing spreads in conflict (same ticker with opposite sides).
 Summary - Favourites rating available as column in summary table.
 New/edit trade - After filling wrong value and form submit, form will stay and values can be corrected.
 Summary - Grand total of Open and Total columns.
 Portfolio charts - Open/Closed number of contracts under the chart. issue 334

Bug Fixes
 Seasonal - Patterns correlations chart legend shows only enabled patterns (all previously).
 Optimize - Data aligment before FND. issue 434
 Combinations - Duplicate spreads. issue 442
 Builder - Autocomplete now works with contract numbers. issue 65
 Combinations, Browser - Works now for non standard spreads. issue 76
 Builder - Combinations months are now correctly ordered. issue 132
 Builder - Electronic currency tickers starting with number (e.g. 6E) now work. issue 275
 Builder - Multiple spreads in browser tabs fix. issue 440
 Combinations - Bad combinations fix. issue 442
 Search - Continuation popup chart next/previous buttons fix. issue 314

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Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:53 pm

Re: Rev. 3625 - Major release

by dedinam » Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:44 pm

Thanks. How often or when is the next version to be released and what is expected?


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Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 12:59 pm

Re: Rev. 3625 - Major release

by Mira » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:57 pm

How often? See the changelog
What is planned for next version? See project management + the issues with the most votes have a priority

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